ICYMI: ‘Don’t Believe Me’ by Alix Cage Now Available


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Local musician Alix Cage – given name Joshua Gay – dropped his newest song, “Don’t Believe Me”, last week. The track premiered exclusively on home grown music streaming service Selecta Charts, where it sits at number one with 504 views (461 more than the number two song, Ch’an’s “Body”). The one was recently made available on iTunes, Apple Music and Spotify.

The song was written by Jakarta Connell and Joshua Gay, produced by Brad Griffith and mastered by Sterling Sound.

Listen to the song on Selecta Charts.

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K.F. Cumberbatch
K.F. Cumberbatch
An avid reader who accidentally discovered her love and talent for writing and has loved movies for as long as she has been watching them. Stumbled into film-making and found her second love because she decided to read for a degree in it on a whim - kind of. Creator and producer of ZEITGEIST!




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